Dr. Liliana Jiménez

Dra. Liliana Jiménez

About me

I am Liliana Jiménez, Endodontics Advisor at the Asiri Dental Center

My passion

Continuous learning, keeping updated and sharing my knowledge.

I apply all my knowledge and experience to save teeth that others would have extracted.

My objectives

My mission is to ensure that diagnoses are accurate by evaluating the most complex cases and all possible treatment options.

I can help you:

Have an accurate diagnosis by contrasting my technical opinion with those of other doctors and reaching agreements for your benefit.

My professional experience

2020 – todayEndodontics Advisor at the Asiri Dental Center, in Quito
2017 – 2020Endodontist in various dental centers in the city of Quito, including: Centro Odontológico Asiri and Novulis
2015 – 2016Homologation Process in the Republic of Ecuador of the Title of Dentist and specialization in Endodontics (SENESCYT, CACES and MSP)
2000 – 2015Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry University of Carabobo
1990 – 2015Private practice of the profession in Venezuela

Major Academic Achievements

2005Universidad de CaraboboEndodontic Specialist
2000Universidad de CaraboboDoctorate in Dentistry
1996Universidad de CaraboboTeaching Specialist for Higher Education
1990Universidad de CaraboboDentist

My hobbies

  • Listen to music
  • Watch TV series

My articles

Below is a list of my published articles that I hope will be of your use, I invite you to visit them.

I am the author of the following books:

  • La Biopelícula Microbiana en las Infecciones Endodónticas Persistentes
  • Dolor Posoperatorio en Endodoncia

And of this blog posts

I belong to the following organizations

Comisión De Investigación FOUC
Sociedad Venezolana de Endodoncia

Asesora en Endodoncia

When endodontics gets more than difficult, Dr. Liliana is always there to advise us and guide us towards successful treatment

More about Dra. Liliana Jiménez

Publicado el: 30 Dec, 2022